Chorora and Yambamine are pioneers in the country for experimenting with Carbonic macerations, anaerobic processes and addition of natural lactobacillus. They are committed to produce the highest quality and always keep on improving.
These farms are located next to each other on a steep hillside surrounded by primary cloud forest and crossed by the old ‘Inca Road’ that once connected Cuzco with Quito. The land has stunning views towards the valley of Macara and Peru on the horizon.
Olinka describes their venture in coffee as a transformative way of life. Both sisters started planting coffee around the year 2010 after some big life changes, since then they’ve been drawn from the city into the land, investing a lot of effort, time and emotion into producing coffee. This land, as Diana and Olinka would describe it, is mystical and charged with good energy.
The farm is divided into two main parcels. Chorora which means ‘water well’ in Kichwa and Yambamine, which means ‘land of gold ‘. In both lots there are a total of 8 hectares of planted coffee. The varietals produced here are Typica mejorado, Hybrid, Sidra and at the moment they are experimenting with new varietals such as Wush Wush and Pink Bourbon.
A research laboratory is currently being built in the farm to develop new processes, experiment with microbiology and cross breeding different varietals.
Chorora and Yambamine are one of Makicuna’s strongest partners because of their transparency, vision and personal connection.